Terms and conditions


All content from the website http://www.horseconsult.co.uk, it's sub-pages and newsletter may not be distributed or copied for personal, non-commercial or commercial use. Material may not be republished in any form without prior written permission of the author and publisher. To request permission, please contact us.

Disclaimer and Terms of Use

The information on this website is provided by HorseConsult for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care and no medical advice and is given. If you and/or your horse have/has, or you suspect you/it have/has, a health problem you should consult your verterinarian and/or physician.

Any immediate medical or shoeing problem or emergency should be taken directly to your own veterinarian or farrier. Authors on HorseConsult.co.uk are not veterinarians and will not make or confirm medical diagnoses.

Use of information found on this website must be done at the end user's own risk and in agreement with these terms.


Alexandra and HorseConsult comply with the following legislation: